Video is increasingly becoming a staple of online marketing. Nothing encapsulates your book’s tone and content as powerfully as a short video with a well written and beautifully spoken voice-over or stirring soundtrack. It may sound unachievable, but it’s not with Equip Publishing House.
The exponential increase in online video promotion has been phenomenal over the past two years. The reason for this is simply that it works. We’re spending more time online, which means less time watching commercials on TV. The result has been that companies are adjusting their budgets to include online video advertising.
But when was the last time you saw an online video advert for a book launch? We would suspect, never. However, this is due to change since the potential marketplace you can reach with a video advert is enormous. By simply placing your video advert on platforms such as YouTube and Facebook and then Tweeting links, you could start an awareness campaign about your book that could go viral.
Equip Publishing House believes in pushing self-publishing boundaries. We now offer a video creation service that will give your book a powerful and professional advantage when it comes to sales promotion. A professionally produced video advert with music, a professional voice over, and of course, featuring your beautiful book cover. Your promotional advert can be used hundreds of ways, from creating your own YouTube channel to sharing on Facebook, Twitter and your other social media. Your potential readership is a legion of book-hungry, and media-savvy browsers who are becoming increasingly receptive to video promotions which means now is the time to get ahead of the game and embrace this blossoming media opportunity.