
Experienced authors will already understand the need for a thorough edit before publishing their work. A good story can be turned into a masterpiece when a professional editor takes your narrative and crafts it into a technically strong writing piece. This is what will give you those crucial positive reviews on Amazon, supporting sales and reinforcing your author profile.

Our team of highly experienced editors work with your tone and style and refine your work from a professional perspective. We have genre specialists on hand to ensure that no matter the tone of your book, the right editor will be assigned to you.

We use the ‘tracked changes’ method of presenting the edited files, allowing you to accept or reject changes as you see fit and read the manuscript in either the fully edited or original state. This allows for collaboration between author and editor, ensuring that your story is being told in the best way it can be, increasing your chances of five-star reader reviews. Our authors are always very excited to receive their latest work in its fully edited state. It uncovers the true greatness of a great manuscript and prevents you from falling foul of mistakes that will later become evident and affect sales.

We offer various editorial services to help you perfect your manuscript, from a light proofread to a complete ghostwriting project.


This service checks for errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It also highlights typographical errors, omissions or repetitions in your writing and points out any obvious breaks in the piece’s continuity. It finds mistakes before your book goes to print.

Copy Editing

It’s a sensitive service designed to retain and be true to the author’s voice. As well as the proofreading mentioned above checks, copyediting addresses the flow and style of your writing. Is your writing clear, concise and unambiguous? Is the text organized most logically? Are there any inconsistencies in your use of plot, characterization or dialogue, for example? Copyediting molds your writing to make it the best it can be; it makes your book come alive.


Not everyone is equipped to be a writer, but that shouldn’t stop them from becoming novelists. Some people have a great story in them, but not the time to get it written down. Others are simply unhappy with their attempts to portray the story that they can see so clearly in their mind. The ghostwriting service offers a wide range of options to allow the author to complete control over their ghostwriting project. You can be as involved as you wish with this, and you always retain complete control over the finished manuscript.

Manuscript Appraisals

Would you like feedback on your manuscript? Our editing team has years of experience working with manuscripts at all stages of development. This service gives tailored feedback designed to help you move forward towards the best writing of which you are capable of. Our feedback can focus on characters, plot, themes, style, or anything you want us to focus on.

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